Sound Attenuated Generator Enclosure structurer and sound Levels Explained Many industries require backup power. These high-tech industries are often located in or close to a city or residential area. Both countries, states and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sound guidelines must be followed when selecting a generator set. Sound is generally measured at the property line of the facility. T he maximum permitted overall noise levels range from 60 to 78 dB(A). Each area has specific requirements that must be met. Sound levels from 80 to 100 dB(A) are considered to be very loud, 100 to 125 dB(A) uncomfortable, and 140 dB(A) reaching the threshold of pain. About Reducing Generator Set Noise , There are a few concepts to follow when reducing a generator set noise. Generator set manufactures use these concepts when designing sound-attenuating enclosures: Acoustic Barrier – Enclosures constructed of steel panels. Electrical, fuel pipes and any other auxiliary ...
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